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Who is a Teacher ?

Agadir, Morocco

Hassan Akhyat is a private high school teacher. He got his BA from the department of English at Ibn Zohr University. He conducted a research paper on “Moroccan culture and Language Humor “(SOUSS as a case study). He is currently teaching Business English in a private center, Dchaira. Most of his writings take the form of short stories, poems, and articles. Teaching is his passion.

There are countless definitions when it comes to defining the term of « Teacher ». We cannot overstate what it really means to be a teacher. We cannot tell the exact meaning a teacher serves in his or her profession. Getting into any teacher’s shoes, however, will truly let one understand why it is never easy to define a teacher. Hence, seeing teachers being highly acknowledged and held in high rank around the world will also give an impression that teachers have great meaning and cannot be easily put into words. Teachers are worth a thousand words for the tremendous efforts they are continuously making for the well-being of pupils.

Because of different positions a teacher occupies during his job, it makes the task of defining him/her as a hard one as long as long performances being done by any teacher take various forms inside and outside the classroom.

Needless to say a teacher is an agent of radical change in any society. He is a father whose prior aim is seeing his kids behave according to what is socially and culturally acceptable. He/she is a loyal friend who never hesitates in sharing his/her personal stories and wishes his/her wisdoms would teach the students a lesson. A teacher is a gardener who plants the seeds of knowledge into students’ hearts and watches them grow.

A teacher is a coach and a trainer who trains and equips students with life skills for future events. He or she is an actor on the stage playing different roles for the audience.  He/she is a doctor whose magic touches leave soothing effects on marginalized hearts. A teacher is a driver whose first duty is thinking twice about his passengers’ safety before jeopardizing their lives. A teacher is someone who keeps burning himself to see his students enjoy the light.

 Being a teacher can go beyond the borders of chalk and talk to reach so many other responsibilities of which, I believe, so many of us are not yet aware. He serves as a candle which consumes itself to kindle the way for others.  

The true meaning of being a teacher lies in the fact that he/she teaches from the heart, and teaching from the heart drives not only students to appreciate and  love the subject but also the society to be completely proud of teachers wherever they are.

Great Teachers have walked in students’ lives and left clean footprints. Some of these teachers taught lessons no one could ever do. The difference a student may not have witnessed in his life is the one he would gain from the journey of teachers. Without them being there for his good, his life would somehow seem tasteless, meaningless and tedious. Teachers of this type have always been the bridges for students to cross, the mirror to reflect themselves and everything else they might need in the making of the best version of themselves.

In a nutshell, we should not be too careless to be abundantly thankful for all the good our ex-teachers have done. Rather, expressing our deep love and appreciation is what every one of us should demonstrate. Teachers are blessings, blessings with which we are intensively endowed. For this reason, they must be remembered, respected and honored as long as their meanings have no limit in life.
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