The life turned sour! — Poem —

The life turned sour!
Avoiding a bleak past I abhor.
I strolled to the beach; swam ashore.
The life turned sour!
My days filled with anger and pain,
The sun’s warmth beginning to wane,
Thunderstorms occurring and ferocious rain.
The life turned sour!
Looking at the moon distant and pale
Like it is willing to cry and wail.
Of these pitiful sights
I don’t want more.
The life turned sour!
Seeking a refuge, a little zone
To voice my feelings and moan,
To fulfill my belated ambitions,
To finish what I started before,
The life turned sour!
Finding answers is my mission,
Building a world of my creation,
Knowing where is the door?
The life turned sour!